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When to See a Foot and Ankle Specialist

When to See a Foot and Ankle Specialist.jpg

Feet and ankles are complex and important structures of the body. To maintain good health, they must receive the care and attention they deserve. If you’re dealing with an injury or chronic pain in your feet or ankles, then you may benefit from seeing a foot and ankle specialist. They can provide the expertise needed to diagnose and treat a wide variety of issues that may arise. 

Seeking Care from a Foot and Ankle Specialist 

Always meet with your primary care physician if you’re experiencing any issues with your feet or ankles. They’ll decide if you need a referral to an orthopedic specialist for further evaluation and treatment. Insurance plans often require these referrals, so you should review your coverage before you schedule an appointment.  

It may also be a good idea to seek out specialized care if diabetes or vascular disease affects circulation in your lower extremities. Here are some common reasons to see a foot and ankle specialist. 

1. After an Acute Injury 

It’s important to visit your doctor if you experience an acute injury such as a sprained ankle, broken bone, or tendon rupture. The earlier you visit the doctor after experiencing an injury, the better your chances of recovering fully without complications. Your doctor will offer advice on how long it will take for you to heal and what to do during recovery. For example, they might suggest specific exercises that can help strengthen your muscles and joints. 

2. If You Experience Chronic Pain  

Chronic pain in your feet or ankles can be debilitating, so remember to get treatment as soon as possible if you’re experiencing this type of pain. An orthopedic specialist can perform imaging tests such as X-rays, MRIs, or CT scans to determine the source of your pain. In addition, they may prescribe medications or recommend lifestyle changes that can help improve your quality of life.  

Whether your pain is due to a major injury or chronic condition, a specialist will be more than happy to help you. Common orthopedic conditions include joint paintendonitis, heel pain (plantar fasciitis), sprains, fractures, flat feet, and tendon tears. Specialists often recommend treatments such as orthotics or custom shoe inserts to reduce discomfort and pressure from these conditions. They may also provide preventive care for those at risk of developing these conditions due to age or lifestyle. 

3. If You Have Diabetes  

Diabetes can lead to serious complications in the feet and ankles, including infection and neuropathy (nerve damage). The increased blood sugar that reaches nerves often leads to neuropathy if left untreated. This problem is so widespread that 70% of lower limb amputations in the United States are due to diabetic neuropathy. Because of this, diabetic patients must check their feet daily and have their feet checked regularly by their doctor. 

Services Offered by Foot and Ankle Specialists 

Foot and ankle specialists offer a wide range of healthcare services for pain and discomfort. They may provide treatments that extend beyond traditional medicines and cover areas such as gait analysis, casting techniques for orthotics, and custom footwear solutions for patients with diabetic wounds or other foot issues. 

These specialists also have access to treatments that can often alleviate pain and improve mobility over time. Such treatments may include physical or occupational therapy techniques, orthotic devices, medications, or cortisone shots. 

Ask Us about Foot and Ankle Specialists 

Some injuries, chronic pain, and diabetic complications in your feet or ankles may call for the attention of a specialist. Consider contacting your physician if your condition isn’t responding to your current treatments. For more information about orthopedic specialists, please give us a call, reach out via email, or contact us online today.